Somewhat initially skeptical, Tony Bolton soon finds the Maximum Super Tweeters a permanent fixture in his home HiFi system…. “Obviously, given the frequency response of these components, I expected any alteration to the sound to be focussed on the midrange and the treble, but was pleasantly surprised to find that this change included an opening […]
“This is the speaker cable I have been using for some time but only got around to reviewing this year. I can’t find anything better and I have tried, nothing comes close when it comes to three dimensionality of soundstage and control, depth and power in the bass, it’s also more than able in the […]
Jason Kennedy reviews the Townshend Seismic Isolation Platform under the Rega RP6 Turntable, a Leema Antila CD Player & Naim UnitiLite: “Massive increase in stereo three dimensionality, sound is cleaner” “A degree of hardness has disappeared and left a stronger sense of timing. “Bass goes deeper” Voice has regained its full richness. Quite a transformation in […]
Come to see us at 25 and 26 OCTOBER. Sandringham 0
HiFi critic – Paul Messenger “Seriously impressed by the effect of the Seismic ‘spring-decoupling’ rather than the usual spiking for the loudspeakers….” “…the benefits of decoupling were immediate and surprisingly obvious… notable improvements in imaging and clarity in general…” “…human voices in particular seemed more real and believable, while clarity and information through the bass […]
Calling all connoisseurs of great sound By subscribing to the Townshend newsletter and click like on our Facebook page, you will automatically be entered into a prize draw for a pair of DCT 300 interconnects (1m pair) worth £400. A winner will be announced in every Townshend’s newsletter. Please forward this message to any of your sonically savvy friends […]
Having happily owned a Django for many years, Maarten Van Casteren compares his cherished transformer pre amp with the Townshend Allegri, and surprises even himself. [ Read full review ]
F1 Fractal Interconnect exposes the space, depth energy and image scale, it’s hard to put down. The bass is unusually controlled yet also shakes the furniture! while the highs are both solid and sparkling when the music demands. Use it to hear the full glory of the signal being transmitted. J Kennedy, HIFI +, March […]
Townshend Speaker cables and the new F1 Fractal Interconnects used in system. A very good start for CAD (Computer Audio Design) achieving best sound of the show award from the Clarity Alliance. The system: Laptop running JPlay CAD 1543 Townshend Allegri Pre-amplifier Townshend F1 Fractal Interconnects Brinkmann monoblocks Dynaudio C1 speakers Townshend Isolda EDCT […]
[frame src=”” width=”300″ height=”180″ lightbox=”on” title=”Isolda speaker cable construction” align=”left” ] I have been using Townshend Isolda EDCT for a number of years now and regard it to be one of if not the best speaker cable money can buy… This is the cable that makes all the other speaker cables that people send me […]